Many of the mosaic residencies that I facilitate focus on the end product, translation: what it will look like up on the wall. I get that because often it's a permanent installation and more costly than the average paper or paint project. And, I do love when a gorgeous visual concept comes to life in mosaic.....
However, there's much to be said about the value of the process of creating, without the pressure of resulting in the ultimate masterpiece. Expecting anyone doing something for the first time, with new materials and vocabulary, in a one hour class period, to have perfect results is asking a lot.
The school I was working at this week was gracious in this gift to their 5th graders.
They were allowed to have the freedom to experiment with pattern and color, inspired by Navajo weaving patterns (which will connect with their upcoming social studies curriculum). They were asked to think about balancing cool and warm color families, and geometric patterning inspired by some printed examples of Navajo design. Some students worked individually, some with a partner to create 16 samplers of 49 tiles each, so that each of the four classes would have one 2x2' artwork to hang in their hallway as a legacy project for their school.
Thank you Washington Elementary School for embracing the process of creating, enjoy your mosaics!